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Improving Leadership

Improving your leadership skills with a Backward Design Approach

Adopting this approach changes the perspective of planning for goals from seeing the goal as an end point to seeing the goal as the start. This allows the individual or team to see the goal as achievable and more motivating rather than distant and pressuring.

Here’s a six-step quick fix…

1. Identify goal or targeted market for a project. Such as increasing web traffic.
2. Operationalise the goal into measurable outcomes. Such as increase web traffic by 5000 visitors a day.
3. Look at what the goal is before the major goal. Such as increase the web traffic to 4000 visitors a day. Set a timeline for when it needs to be completed.
4. Continue with this working backward procedure until identify other approximate goals and you are at the starting point. Such as 4000, 3000, 2000, 1000, 500, web visitors a day, make sure you set a timeline for each goal.
5. Review each step now in a forward chronological order making sure that each step is directly orientated towards the goal.
6. Put the project design or procedure list in an easily referenced spot and review it after each completed step.

Keep it SMART!

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